Asbesto Testing

Asbesto Testing

Asbesto Testing

How to Test for Popcorn Ceiling Asbestos?

When you contact us over the popcorn ceiling in your space, our first step will be determining whether you have a popcorn asbestos ceiling. If you’re unsure whether or not your home has a popcorn ceiling, here are a few things we look for:

  • An uneven texture when viewed up close. The surface will appear as bumps or dimples (but not like regular plaster).
  • A white color that’s lighter than the paint used on walls and trim in the room. Most often, this means white or light gray.
  • If either of these conditions applies to your room, then there’s a good chance it contains asbestos-containing material (ACM).
  • We, however, can’t conclude at that. So we’ll further do some sampling in the space to check for asbestos components.

Note: One thing we must insist on is that any asbestos-containing ceiling is never to be scraped off by an unknowledgeable person on the same. This is why during our toolbox talk, whenever you invite us to check your popcorn ceilings, we’ll always advise you not to scrape off any popcorn ceiling on your own.

So, we’ll take small samples from different areas of your home and analyse them for asbestos fibres. The results will then help us determine whether or not there are any asbestos threats in your ceiling.

Of course, if asbestos is found in your popcorn ceiling, it will need to be removed at some point. Results, generally take 24-48 hours once submitted for analysis. Regardless of the results, a trained professional from our team will let you know the results and what the proper course of action is.

So, when found in your ceiling, we’ll have our trained specialist remove the popcorn ceiling. We must also insist on having an expert doing this because if you try to do this work yourself, you could end up making things worse!

In-depth Examination of Asbestos

When you hear about the dangers of asbestos, it’s natural to think it must be a big deal. But how do you know if your home has popcorn ceiling asbestos, and what should you do about it?

Apart from the statistics and the research that brings out buildings built in the ’70s as asbestos threatening, we can not exactly tell whether every other popcorn ceiling has or doesn’t have asbestos.

One of the reasons we are always encouraging our clients to remove the popcorn ceiling asbestos in their houses hastily is its many disadvantages. However, removing them also guarantees an increased home value. Then there is also the asbestos aspect which we can’t tell about unless we test for the same.

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